Thank you for your interest in participating in the Winter Holiday Vendor Fair on Sunday, December 10, 2023 hosted by Congregation B’nai Tikvah (CBT). The event will take place on-premise at CBT located at 1001 Finnegans Lane, North Brunswick, NJ. The hours will be 11am-3pm.
Please complete the application below and click submit. In order to be considered for approval, we must have a completed application as well as payment.
The cost to participate is $50 per space for non-food vendors and $75 for food vendors. Food vendors must be certified Kosher.
Your participation fee covers:
- 10′ x 8′ space*
- 6′ table (limited to the first 20 vendors)
- 2 folding chairs
- 1 beverage ticket
*You may request more than one space, if needed.
Your space will only be reserved once the application is filled out in full, your payment has been received and you have received your confirmation to participate.
This is a RAIN OR SHINE event. It will take place indoors. There will be no refunds issued unless the event is cancelled for any reason.
Please direct any questions or concerns to and type “Winter Holiday Vendor Fair” in the subject line of your email.
Thank you,
Winter Holiday Vendor Fair Committee