We regret to inform you of the passing of Mary Katz, mother and mother-in-law of Terry Katz and Sylvia Shore-Katz, grandmother to Andrew and Marisa Katz.
Predeceased by Terry’s father, Joseph Katz, Mary is also survived by her other children, Manny and Fern Katz, and their children Nathan and Jill, and Anita (Katz) and Phil Freed, and their children Melissa and Aimee.
The funeral will be private on Wednesday, December 15
Shiva details:
Shiva will be observed at the home of Terry and Sylvia Katz: 58 Liberty Drive, Dayton, New Jersey 08810
Thursday, 12/16 from 7-9pm, with shiva minyan at 8pm
Sunday, 12/19, from 1-5pm, with shiva minyan at 3:30pm
At the family’s request, only those who are vaccinated can attend shiva. Masks are also required.
May the One Who is in All Places bring comfort to Terry and Sylvia, and the entire Katz family.