We regret to inform you of the passing of Suzanne Balaban, mother and mother-in-law of Eileen Balaban Eisenberg and Jeff Eisenberg. Suzanne was also the beloved mother Miriam Lubinsky and Renee Balaban.

Funeral Details:

The graveside service for Suzanne will be held at 10:30am (meet at the Administration Building at 10:15am) on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at Beth Israel Cemetery, Woodbridge, New Jersey.

Shiva Details:

Shiva at the home of Renee Balaban, 485 Skylark Drive, Monroe Township (The Ponds):

Tuesday, July 5 following graveside services to 4pm and from 7-9pm, and Wednesday, July 6, 1-4pm and 7-9pm. Shiva minyan is at 8pm.

Shiva at the home of Eileen Balaban Eisenberg and Jeff Eisenberg, 94 Inverness Drive, Kendall Park (Princeton Manor):

Thursday, July 7, 1-4pm and 7-9pm, and Friday, July 8, 1-4pm. Shiva minyan is at 8pm.

Eileen and Jeff live in a gated community. Please pull up to the visitor’s gate and it will automatically open.

May the One Who is in All Places bring comfort to Eileen and Jeff and the entire Balaban-Eisenberg family.