Erev Monday, 4/17 (7:30P) & Tuesday 4/18

By now, you’ve received in the mail a package containing a Yom HaShoah Yellow Yahrzeit Candle and letter/meditation.

We hope that you will join with other members of the community at large for a series of Yom HaShoah related events as follows:

  1. The Yom HaShoah service will begin on Monday (4/17) at 7:30pm at CBT and/or streaming online starting with Minyan and then as a community we will light our candles together. Please note the label placed on your Yellow Candle, remembering a specific child Holocaust victim among our 6 million brothers and sisters.   This will be followed by a lecture by Rabbi Wolkoff entitled: Can It Happen Here? How Scared Do We Need to Be?
  2. On Tuesday (4/18) at CBT (& Streaming), we will hold our annual reading/witnessing of the names of victims of the Shoah beginning at 10am. Please volunteer as a reader and/or witness. Additionally, we will conclude Tuesday evening Minyan (starting at 7:30pm) with a special Kaddish.

The Men’s Club has provided your Yellow Candle.  This is our 30th year of participation in the program.  Your generous donations in the past have allowed the program to be self-sustaining.

We do hope that you and your family will participate in the programs mentioned above, and in this small but very important project.  We believe that you will find it a powerful and meaningful experience.

We appreciate your support to this annual program. L’Shalom and see you on April 17th & 18th.

Robert L. Wolkoff                          Bruce Rockman                              Craig Cohen/Brian Berness

Rabbi                                                 Cantor                                               Co-Presidents, Men’s Club