(W)ays & Means, (A)ctivities, and (M)embership

WAM Annual Report


Combining the resources of three ‘portfolios’, WAM works as a team to bring the CBT community together, to have fun hosting creative activities (both onsite and off) enjoyed by different age groups and to raise money for the synagogue.


Events & Activities

These are some of the events and activities that we hosted in the past year. Look for more pop-up events over the summer and stay turned for a fantastic 2024-25!


Family Fun Day

CBT Gala honoring Marci & Marty Abschutz

Shabbat Dinner Series

Trivia Nights

Karaoke Night

Purim Pub Crawl

Bowling Night


Bike Rides

Distillery Visit

Winery Evening

Various Educational and Entertainment Online Programming

Movie Nights (with free fresh-made hot popcorn!)

NYC Lower East Side Walking Tour


Please share your ideas for other activities you’d like to see. Just email us at .