We regret to inform you of the passing of Rosalie Gross, beloved sister and sister-in-law of Ellie and Bill Greenberg, aunt of Jessica Prinzivalli and Beth Gurtov, and great-aunt of Morgan and Maya Zink.

Funeral Details:

The graveside funeral will be held on Thursday, September 5, at 11am, Beth Israel Cemetery, 1098 Woodbridge Center Drive, Woodbridge, New Jersey.

Shiva Details:

Ellie & Bill will be sitting shiva with Ellie’s sister’s family for the first couple of days of shiva.

Shiva will be observed at the Greenberg’s home, 473 Halsey Road, North Brunswick:

Sunday, September 8:
2:00-5:00pm and 7:00-9:00pm, with shiva minyan at 8:00pm

CLICK HERE to make a donation in memory of Rosalie Gross.

May the One Who is in All Places bring comfort to the Ellie and Bill Greenberg and Family.