We regret to inform you of the passing of Richard Daniel Goldberg, beloved brother and brother-in-law of Lynn and Arthur Biderman, and his treasured nephew, Matthew.

Funeral Details:

The funeral is graveside, tomorrow, June 21, 1pm, Cedar Park Cemetery, 735 Forest Ave, Paramus, New Jersey.

Shiva Details:

Lynn and her family will be spending the first few days of shiva privately, with her brother’s family. Following that, shiva will continue at the Biderman’s home:

Monday, June 24: 2-4pm and 7-9pm
Tuesday, June 25: 2-4pm and 7-9pm
Wednesday, June 26: 2-4pm and 7-9pm

Shiva minyan each night at 8pm

CLICK HERE to make a donation in memory of Richard Goldberg.

May the One Who is in All Places bring comfort to Lynn and Arthur Biderman, and the Biderman / Goldberg Families.