Prayer Lesson 164: A passage from the Book of Chronicles
Much of Pesukei d’Zimra is composed of psalms, the “official” prayers of [...]
Much of Pesukei d’Zimra is composed of psalms, the “official” prayers of [...]
Of all the prayers in the siddur, there is probably no [...]
Right after baruch sheamar, when we are called upon to offer [...]
In the lead up to the shacharit Amidah, the final prayer after [...]
The blessings of the Shema come to a crescendo just before the [...]
In the evening service, we add a prayer—Hashkeveynu—for a safe [...]
The Song of the Sea is probably the oldest poem [...]
There is something quite odd about Simchat Torah. It makes [...]
During Sukkot, we circle the sanctuary in a processional, carrying [...]
The Yom Kippur liturgy is intentionally repetitive. In compelling us [...]