1 sunset sunday SHABBAT was a quiet day, the time change finally caught up with us.  Stacey and I played musical beds and couches, hoping that Bashe and Rafi would sleep. Eventually they did, but not me.  Anyway, I slept plenty last summer, its their turn.

Once we got our bearings and enjoyed our Shabbat lunch, we headed out and we able to find The Joshua Gardens Park, just down the street from our place.

Stretching for hundreds of acres along the tranquil Yarkon River in Tel Aviv Yarkon Park features a five-acre Tropical Garden, a bike-rental center including four wheeled “family bikes”– the Seven Mills heritage site and a lake with paddleboats. There’s also a large water park, a bird sanctuary and petting zoo and Sportec, with its 45-foot high climbing wall, basketball and rollerblading courts (equipment for rent) and trampolines.

We hung out, watched rock climbers, families riding bikes, joggers, there was even a personal trainer working with clients.  Many of the parks have colorful gym equipment alongside kids climbing areas. The park was just bustling.

As the sun began to wane, we headed to the beach, we swam and we noticed many others arriving to prepare for birthday parties, volleyball games and more after dark.

It was such a beautiful sunset.

Shavuah Tov!


Beit Hatsfuot-The Museum of the Jewish People. Opened in 1978, it was one of the top 15 museums in the world! Today it is in need of serious renovation, which is planned for 2017.  Still there are a few new temporary exhibitions that were very engaging, all and all we were there from 10-4, we enjoyed ourselves and learned.




Dream weavers-Jewish Tailors to Top Fashion Designers, tells the Jewish immigrant story about the rags industry. The work of Jewish designers like Ralph Lauren, Donna Caren, Calvin Klein and Victoria’s Secret are highlighted.


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My Family Story – Projects Exhibition

Throughout the Jewish world, students research and write their roots and heritage stories. This marks a milestone moment in the lives of young Jewish students in Israel and around the world when they are challenged for the first time to find their own personal and unique story that emphasizes their Jewish identity.

This is an absolutely amazing, engaging and inspiring exhibition.  The students’ work is creative and incredibly thorough.  In addition to the art projects, some prepared 200 page bound books about their families.

Read all about it here:





1 orit

Orit-so helpful!


Dedicated teachers, Libby & Motti, thank you for your help.




IMG_1386 Learning about our family Some of our family is already in the database


Mifgash Hasteak-The Steak Place, Great Salads too Dinner was so good!



We witnessed another magnificent sunset at The Tel Aviv Port. Shopping, dinning and family activities on the boardwalk.

One more full day in Tel Aviv tomorrow, there is so much to do. We highly recommend spending time here. It is a very friendly metropolitan city with great beaches. There are more many tattoos than kippot. This a very Jewish place, very different than Jerusalem.

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The museum is on the campus of Tel Aviv University. Stacey and I would enjoy parents weekend here!


Cantor Bruce