High Holidays
Services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur were well attended. We had over 100 High Holiday unique IP streaming screens. Junior Congregation Family Services (JCFS) went well. We had babysitting and Torah for Tots first day of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
This was the first year that we required a password to log on to the streaming services.
We are in the process of doing a High Holiday review to improve the overall process.
Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah
Thank you to Men’s Club for setting up and taking down the Sukkah. Friday Night Hunan in the Hut went very well, with attendance of 120 people.
Ongoing Prayer Services
We have been very successful in getting minyans most weekday evenings. Saturday morning services have been getting attendance of 30+ congregants.
Friday Nights
Once a month we have a special Family Shabbat, with a children’s service at 6PM, dinner at 6:30PM, and Kabbalat Shabbat service at 7:30PM. Beginning in January, once a month, the regular evening services will start at 8PM. All other Friday Night services will start at 6:30PM.
Please join us the morning of Wednesday, December 25, from 10AM to 12PM for our Chessed for Chanukah program. We put together and deliver care packages for service workers that are working on Christmas.
On December 26 at 6pm, we’ll celebrate Chanukah here at CBT. Bring your menorah, we’ll light our outside menorah together, then come inside and light our own individual menorahs, and have dinner and sufganiyot and celebrate Chanukah as a community.