Each week, Rabbi Wolkoff shares a prayer lesson with us. You can find them all below.
Prayer Lesson 68 – The Third Paragraph of the Shema (Vayomer): Kind of Blue – Techelet
Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue is considered one of the greatest and most influential recordings of all time. What made [...]
Prayer Lesson 67 – “If you truly heed” (the Second Paragraph of the Shema)
The second (middle) paragraph of the Shema is based on a deep and surprising theology. Here’s a thought exercise: imagine [...]
Prayer Lesson 66 – “V’ahavta”—“You shall love”
Last week, I wrote about how peculiar the shma is. In its original context, it’s a declaration by Moses to [...]
Prayer Lesson 65 – Hearing the Sh’ma
What kind of prayer is the Sh’ma? Normally, when we think of prayers, they're something we say to G-d. But [...]
Prayer Lesson 64 – Ahavah Rabbah: Loving Through Learning
The second blessing immediately preceding the Sh’ma tells the story of love between G-d and the people of Israel. This [...]
Prayer Lesson 63 – The Many Faces of G-d
The first blessing before the Shma concludes with a cascade of descriptions of G-d. “…worker of wonder, creator of innovation, [...]
Prayer Lesson 62 Hakol Yoducha All Creatures Praise You
The first blessing before the shma begins with the words, “Blessed are Lord our G-d, King of the Universe, who [...]
Prayer Lesson 61 – The Barchu and Sacred Time
We are all familiar with the concept of sacred space. Everybody knows that there are physical spaces that stand out [...]
Prayer Lesson 60 Ps. 150 – Summing up
Ps. 150 is the last of the psalms, and it is therefore fitting that it appears near the end of [...]
Prayer Lesson 59: Ashrei The Case of the Missing Nun
Ashrei is an alphabetic acrostic, a fancy way of saying that each verse begins with letters of the Hebrew alphabet [...]
Prayer Lesson 58 – Hallel Hagadol
A truly remarkable prayer in pesukei d’zimra is Ps. 136, referred to as hallel hagadol, the “great praise.” It lists [...]
Prayer Lesson 57 – Why Do We Recite Baruch Sheamar?
After the morning blessings (Birkot Hashachar), we begin a series of introductory biblical passages, pesukei d’zimra (verses of song). Sometimes [...]
Prayer Lesson 56 – The Psalm for Shabbat
As previously discussed, there is a different psalm recited every day of the week. But it is not perfectly clear [...]
Prayer Lesson 55 – The Blessing after Birkot Hashachar
Birkot Hashachar reflects the process of awakening, both in terms of a realization of our identity, and also in terms [...]
Prayer Lesson 54: Birkot Hashachar (2)
Last week, I talked about the controversial blessings in the traditional birkot hashachar (“…Who has not made me a woman,” [...]
Prayer Lesson 53 “…Who has not made me a woman.”
Before we dive into our text, allow me to note that we are doing what Jews always do—going to the [...]
Prayer Lesson 52 – Ad-n olam
If an award were given out for the most underestimated prayer in our prayer book, it would surely go to [...]
Prayer Lesson 51 – Ein Kel-heinu
Few songs are as well known and beloved as Ein Kel-heinu. It is often sung to a simple, joyous tune, [...]
Prayer Lesson 50 – The Musaf Kedushah
To understand the musaf kedushah, we have to compare it to the shacharit kedushah. Every kedushah is an attempt to [...]
Prayer Lesson 49 – Introduction to Havdalah
This week, we are going out of our usual order. Under other circumstances, we would be discussing the unique kedushah [...]
Prayer Lesson 48 – Musaf
After the Torah is returned to the ark, we continue with an “additional” service, musaf, which basically consists of another [...]
Prayer Lesson 47 – Placing the Torah back in the Ark
The prayer we recite as the Torah is placed back in the ark after the Torah reading is a remarkable [...]
Prayer lesson 46 – “Trop” (“Musical Cantillation” if you’re fancy)
Before we conclude our study of the Torah service, we would be remiss if we didn’t address the issue of [...]
A Blessing for Trees in Honor of Tu B’shvat – Prayer Lesson 45
Tu B’shvat is called “the New Year of the Trees.” Although its origin was anything but romantic (Tu B’shvat marked [...]