Each week, Rabbi Wolkoff shares a prayer lesson with us. You can find them all below.
Prayer Lesson 166: Ma’oz tzur “Rock of Ages”
It’s hard to imagine Chanukah (no matter how you spell it) without thinking of Ma’oz tzur (no matter how you spell that [...]
Prayer Lesson 165: A Prayer of Gratitude for the Rescue of Hostages
Out of the depths of our despair we called on you, o G-d, and out of the depths of Your [...]
Prayer Lesson 164: A passage from the Book of Chronicles
Much of Pesukei d’Zimra is composed of psalms, the “official” prayers of ancient Israel. But there are exceptions, and the first passage [...]
Prayer Lesson 163: Mizmor l’todah—A Psalm of Gratitude
Of all the prayers in the siddur, there is probably no prayer that packs as strong a punch in as short [...]
Prayer Lesson 162: “Give thanks to G-d, call upon his name, make known His name among the nations”
Right after baruch sheamar, when we are called upon to offer praise to G-d, we recite a long passage from the [...]
Prayer Lesson 161 – Matir asirim, “Who frees captives”
In the lead up to the shacharit Amidah, the final prayer after the Shema describes Hashem’s redemptive powers. Among others, we find the expression Matir [...]
Prayer Lesson 160 – Tzur Yisrael (“Rock of Israel”)
The blessings of the Shema come to a crescendo just before the silent Amidah begins. (For the music lovers among us, think of the [...]
Prayer Lesson 159 “The Devil You Say!” (or not). The strange history of one of the siddur’s most controversial phrases
In the evening service, we add a prayer—Hashkeveynu—for a safe night. It includes the following verse (translated literally): “Remove from [...]
Prayer Lesson 158 – “G-d is a man of war, G-d is His name” (Ex. 15:8)
The Song of the Sea is probably the oldest poem in continual liturgical use on the planet. Newly liberated from [...]
Prayer Lesson 157- The Peculiar History of Simchat Torah
There is something quite odd about Simchat Torah. It makes sense to celebrate reaching the end of the Torah, and [...]
Prayer Lesson 156 – The Hoshanah for Shabbat
During Sukkot, we circle the sanctuary in a processional, carrying the lulav and etrog, while reciting a prayer with the [...]
Prayer Lesson 155 – The Vidui confessional: Chozek Yad, Exercising Power Against the Weak
The Yom Kippur liturgy is intentionally repetitive. In compelling us to confess our sins, over and over again, the rabbis [...]
Prayer Lesson 154 – “Oh no, not another Kaddish!”
A casual observer of a High Holy Day service (indeed, of any morning service) would note that Kaddish in one form or [...]
Prayer Lesson 153: Remember Us for Life!
On the High Holy Days we add certain phrases to the Amidah that reflect the themes and aspirations of this [...]
Prayer Lesson 152: The Psalm for the Season of Awe (Psalm 27)
Every evening and morning throughout the fall holiday season we recite Psalm 27. It is, as one would rightfully imagine, [...]
Prayer lesson 151: It is a Tree of Life
When we put the Torah away, we sing “etz chayim he”—“[The Torah] is a tree of life to those who [...]
Prayer Lesson 150 – Psalm 29, the prayer for returning the Torah to the ark
Psalm 29, the song we sing as we return the Torah to the ark, is a psalm of triumph. The [...]
Prayer Lesson 149 – Blessing the New Month (2)
The prayer for the new month includes a long wish list. Curiously, though, there is one desideratum mentioned twice—and only [...]
Prayer Lesson 148 – Blessing the New Month
As is well known, the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar. On the most basic level, the lunar calendar is [...]
Prayer Lesson 147 – The Ashrei (2): A Quick Ticket to Paradise
The rabbis teach that if you recite the Ashrei prayer three times a day, you are guaranteed a place in the world [...]
Prayer Lesson 146 – The Prayer for Israel
The world works in mysterious ways. I recently wrote about the Prayer for our Country. There, I emphasized the importance [...]
Prayer Lesson 145 – A Prayer for Our Country
Politics and religion actually do mix, sort of. The prophet Jeremiah, knowing full well that our people were going to [...]
Prayer Lesson 144 – A Prayer for Normalcy
At the beginning of all our morning services, we recite a series of blessings. These blessings respond to our growing [...]
Prayer Lesson 143: Why Do We Stand for the Amidah?
As noted, Amidah literally means “standing.” But why do we stand? Note, in contrast, that we sit during the Shema [...]