Each week, Rabbi Wolkoff shares a prayer lesson with us. You can find them all below.
Prayer Lesson 213: The Pure and The Impure
During Chanukah, we add the prayer “al hanisim” to the Amidah. “We thank You for the miraculous deliverance, for the [...]
Prayer Lesson 212: “Cause a new light to shine on Zion”
The first blessing before the morning Sh’ma references the creation of the world, in particular the creation of light. It begins with [...]
Prayer Lesson 211: Weekday Amidah Blessing 5 and 6—Repentance and Forgiveness
As soon as we finish praying that G-d grant us wisdom (in the 4th Amidah blessing) we apply that wisdom in a [...]
Prayer Lesson 210: Returning the Torah to the Ark—Psalm 29
The prayer we recite as we return the Torah to the ark is a triumphant march in which G-d is [...]
Prayer Lesson 209: Ten Tal Umatar: The mystery of December 4
In the weekday Amidah, in the prayer for a good year, we add the phrase ten tal umatar, “give dew and [...]
Prayer Lesson 208: Modim/Thanksgiving—Blessing 17 of the weekday Amidah/Blessing 5 of the Shabbat Amidah
Brother David Stendl-Rast, a Benedictine monk, is one of the world’s foremost authorities on gratitude. His comments on Thanksgiving deserve to [...]
Prayer Lesson 207: –“The angels sweetly sing”–The first blessing before the Sh’ma
For the uninitiated, our siddur sounds like this: “Blah blah blah blah G-d. Blah blah G-d. G-d is good. Blah [...]
Prayer Lesson 206: The Prayer for Our Country
I have often been approached by people who are unhappy with the current leadership of the United States. Republicans or [...]
Prayer Lesson 205: Az Yashir, The Song of the Sea
Near the end of pesukei d’zimrah we recite the Song of the Sea, the triumphant poem celebrating our rescue from Egypt and [...]
Prayer lesson 204: Geshem (the prayer for rain) and the Collapse of Time
“Does anybody really know what time it is?” the great song by Chicago, is a protest against the hectic pace [...]
Prayer lesson 203 Hoshana – The Audacity of Prayer
We could be forgiven for thinking that prayer is essentially “blah blah blah blah G-d. Blah blah G-d blah blah…” [...]
Prayer lesson 202: Avino Malkeynu
So here’s a question: why don’t we recite Hallel on Rosh Hashanah? Hallel is a collection of psalms praising Hashem [...]
Prayer lesson 201: Hayom T’a,tzeumi
As our Rosh Hashanah service draws to a close, we sing a lively song entitled “Hayom,” which means “today.” The [...]
Prayer lesson 200: Daily Repentance (teshuvah)
The period of the High Holy Days is a dramatic time in Jewish life. We imagine that G-d shifts His [...]
Prayer lesson 199: The Psalm for the Days of Awe, Psalm 27
From the beginning of the month of Elul through the holiday of Sukkot, we add a prayer to every morning [...]
Prayer lesson 198: “You sanctified…”: the middle blessing of the Friday night Amidah
All Amidah prayers (“amidot’) begin with the same three blessings, and end with the same three blessings. What happens in the middle [...]
Prayer lesson 197: Time is on your side: The first blessing before the Sh’ma
Before and after we recite the Sh’ma, we reflect on the three greatest manifestations of G-d’s power: creation, revelation, and [...]
Prayer lesson 196: Baruch She’amar—”Blessed be the One who brought the world into being.”
What do we think of when we hear the word “cosmos”? For people of my generation, we cannot help but [...]
Prayer Lesson 195: Trees obscure the forest until kiddush lunch: The structure of the service
I once took a class on how to explain our services to novices. The class began by the teacher, without [...]
Prayer lesson 194: “Not one of them remained”
The blessing right after the Shma, and right before the morning Amidah is a plea for redemption. It concludes with [...]
Prayer Lesson 193: “Heal us and we will be healed, the 8th blessing of the weekday Amidah”
The opening line of this blessing is a variant on a passage from the prophet Jeremiah. As is often the [...]
Prayer Lesson 192: “For the Righteous…”
The 13th blessing of the Amidah begins this way: “Let Your tender mercies be stirred for the righteous, the pious, [...]
Prayer Lesson 191: Shema: the hard part
When I first began davening in earnest, in my late teen years, I was puzzled by the fact that we [...]
Prayer Lesson 190: On separating “challah” from the dough
In the ancient world, our ancestors would routinely take a small part of their dough, called the “challah,” and [...]