Dear Members,

As I write this, the High Holy Day Task Force has reached a determination regarding attendance. After deep deliberation and in accordance with the unanimous opinion of the medical experts the Task Force consulted, we determined, sadly and conscientiously, that during the holidays we will allow a small number of people to enter the sanctuary (approximately 15), i.e., enough to ensure that we can have complete services, including Kaddish, Torah reading, and so forth. The Task Force’s complete statement appears here, along with the reasoning of our medical experts.

On behalf of you, our members, thank you to the Task Force as they continue their work. The High Holy Day Task Force included Rabbi Wolkoff, Cantor Rockman, Gordon Heit (Vice President – Ritual), Charlie Valan (Vice President – Administration),  Melissa Kessler (Co-Vice President – School & Youth), Amanda Uniman (Vice President – Ways & Means), Steve Levin, M.D., Neal Gittleman, D.D.S., Lori Sookerman, R.N., Kevin Krane (Ritual), Ben Gottesman (Ritual, Streaming), Kim Rieman (Webmaster, Zoom), Lesley Lewkowicz (Synagogue Administrator)  and me.

As Rabbi Wolkoff reminds us, we are all in this together. “This” being the COVID-19 virus and all its implications for wearing masks to cover our noses and mouths, washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (a good habit regardless of when), using hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available and keeping a safe distance from anyone we don’t live with. Diligently following these guidelines will help limit the spread of the virus and shorten the amount of time we have to follow all these guidelines (sort of a reverse Catch-22).

We are all in this together and should do what we can to diligently follow the CDC guidelines. Together we are stronger than as individuals. I look forward to “seeing” you (via Zoom). May each of you be inscribed for a sweet new year.

