As we enter the second half of our fiscal year, there are several items that I’d like to share. They relate to security and the good running of Congregation B’nai Tikvah.


During the past year, we have made a number of improvements in our building security. Based on what we have learned from various governmental agencies, our first line of security is “hardening” the building. Among the most obvious things we have done is to place cement bollard planters in our front entrance area. Each bollard weighs several hundred pounds to limit the ability for an auto to drive into our front entrance area.

These and many more items were purchased through The United States Department of Homeland Security grant which we were awarded. We will continue to upgrade our security through the grant for the next 18 months. With the well-in-excess of $100,000 we will be spending (to harden our building), the most important element of our security is you.

What that means is (including and not limited to):

  • Each of you should contact Lynne Weiss Marshall, our Executive Director, to obtain your personal code to enter our building – (732) 297-0696 – if you don’t have one already
  • Our doors will be locked, including when we hold services
  • Don’t open the door for anyone you don’t know
  • Don’t keep the outside doors propped open, even when you are hosting an event
  • Assure that someone you trust watches the door, during your event, to open the door for each of your guests



As a corollary to hardening our building, we need to be sure that all meetings in the building are scheduled through our office. This will assure that you meeting room is properly set up, cleaned up and broken down for the next meeting that will occur in that space. Do use our Room Reservation form to assure that your meeting is properly set up; it is available on our website ( and in the Office.

Special thanks to our Executive Director and members of our Security Committee, Marty Zweig, Chair, Kevin Krane and Charlie Valan, Co-VPs of Administration, and Larry Weber, Board Member.

Lastly, Rabbi Wolkoff and Cantor Rockman posed the following question at our January Board meeting: “Why Be Jewish?” This is genuine food for thought. Please reach out to any Board member, including me, with any questions and comments on what we’re doing about security or any CBT-related topic; for me: .