1. Call to order – 8:00 – Marty
  2. Minutes January 2022 meeting – Nancy Asher – Motion to approve – Charlie, seconded by Marci Minutes were approved
  3. D’var Torah – Rabbi
  4. President’s report
    1. Burn the Mortgage –
      1. Very successful. On 6/7/22 large mortgage of $217,000 was paid off. Thanks to the committee chaired by Dave Offenberg
      2. We have the funds to close the small mortgage but waiting to see impact of penalties if we close early. This mortgage has $52,000 left
    2. Cheder Menachem
      1. Chabad school that rents space from us – we have in agreement in principal for the next 5 years for them to be renting our space with conditions favorable for us
  5. VP Updates – Consent agenda – each VP presented a short synopsis
    1.  Admin
      1. Flooded parking lot has been repaired, repairs were supervised by Mitch Frumkin
      2. 27 sanctuary lights will be replaced with new technology
      3. Applied for another $150,000 security grant. Waiting to hear. Focus on windows and doors being replaced
      4. Question – could we have another session from federation on active shooter situations
        1. This is already in the works through No Brunswick for both cgongreration and school
    2. School and Youth
      1. Despite Covid got through an entire school year with school, youth groups and PJ library
      2. Goal is to engage new families – if you know unaffiliated families connect them to us
    3. Ritual – Gordon
      1. COVID has impacted but we have been having services in person for the last 6 months
      2. Purim very successful
      3. Passover 2nd seder led by Howard Waksman
      4. Scream truck made Shavuot very successful
      5. Will be trying to get back to daily services, starting with Monday nights
      6. High Holidays hopes to be similar to last year
        1. Question re: mask requirement changes – has not been explored yet
    4. WAM – Steve, Renee, Andrew
      1. Getting back to in person events – picnic; mitzvah day;
      2. In beginning of year we gained some single members but lost 3 families at the end of the year. They report feeling disconnected through COVID was an issue
      3. Fundraising –
        1. we had a great Gala Saturday night – thank to chair Mitch Frumkin and his committee.
        2. Brick campaign is complete – please go see the walkway. Made close to $20,000 net
      4. Shout out to Lesley for all of her support!
      5. Motion to approve Anne; second by Amanda , Consent agendas approved
  6. Sisterhood updates – Cheryl
    1. Purim project – each household got a basket
    2. Book club very successful
    3. Paid up membership was a paint and nosh
    4. Gift shop is open
    5. February was Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion month and engaged with the religious school
  1. Men’s Club update – Brian
    1. Action packed year
  2. Treasurers Report – Andy Ross
    1. We did need to borrow from reserves but hope to pay it back this year with not needing to pay the mortgage
    2. Revenues are $22,000 ahead of budget.
  3. Financial Secretary Update – Larry Cohen
    1. Dues remain our largest revenue source
  4. Rabbi’s updates
    1. Rebuilding starting with Monday evening minyan, starting with board members
    2. Adult education will be more robust and in person. Several exciting opportunities – evening and daytimes
      1. Every other month there will be lectures in Monroe communities
    3. Hope to have a team attending AIPAC this year
    4. Thanked WAM and all who did the brick campaign
    5. Thanked so many who helped us through COVID – Laura Waksman – multiple activities; Ben Gottesman – technology to assist services, Melessa Kessler – PJ library
    6. Thanked the congregation for helping his family during this difficult year
  5. Cantor’s update
    1. Added thanks to Michael Cherson for his help with technology as well
    2. Time to fully engage. Planning another trip to Israel this summer
    3. Try to bring back the dor v’dor concert this year
    4. Religious school new program – Mitzvah corps – for the oldest kids
      1. Thanked Doug and Melissa for their efforts as cochairs
      2. And Cheryl and Sharon for all of their efforts and support
    5. Thanked Gordon for all of his work through ritual
    6. Thanked Marty for his tenure as president
    7. Thanked our Torah readers
    8. Thanked those who lead services weekly
  6. Administrator’s update – Lesley Lewkowicz
    1. We are finally migrating to a new synagogue platform. Should streamline everything. Communications will all go through email. Hard copies will available for those who need it
    2. Charlie took time to thank Lesley for all of her efforts, including without working with a second person
  7. New Business
    1. Nominations Slate – 2022-2023 – Adrienne Ross
      1. Adrienne thanked the committee for all of their efforts
      2. Motion to approve the slate – Adrienne, seconded – Dave Offenberg; approved by all. Slate is approved
      3. Thanked those who were stepping down
      4. Acknowledged the work of Marty for the past 3 years – including leading through the crisis of COVID
    2. Budget – Gary Wesalo
      1. Gives a lot of credit to the dedication of the budget committee in creating the budget
      2. Priorities – re-engage current members and engage with new young families
      3. Dues proposed to remain flat with no increase
      4. Pointed out the impact of Chabad and Evan on our budget – essential to us
      5. Motion to approve the budget –
      6. Gary Proposed the budget be approved in its current form, second by Barry. 1 no. Budget approved
  8. Good and Welfare – Rabbi Wolkoff
    1. There have been a number of deaths of members and family members of members in this year
    2. We have birth of many grandchildren to members
    3. Also many celebrations of weddings and engagements
    4. There were 5 B’nai mitzvot
  9.  Marty
    1. welcomed Charlie as the incoming president
    2. Thanked the congregation for the support during his tenure as President
  10. Adjournment Moved by Charlie , seconded by Melissa