In accordance with Article VI, Section 1 of our Constitution and Bylaws, notice is hereby given of Congregation B’nai Tikvah’s semi-annual General Membership Meeting.  The meeting will take place in-person on Monday, July 24, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. (after minyan), in the main sanctuary. We cordially ask all those attending these meetings to please help us make Minyan prior by arriving before the 7:30pm.

Highlights of this meeting are as follows:

  1. Review the past year as information will be shared by all six of the Vice President’s positions.
  2. Financial Reports will be presented, as well as the budget for 2024-2025 that needs to be approved by our membership.
  3. Our slate of officers for 2024-2025 will be presented to the membership as well for approval.

You can find all the documents for your review posted here, on our website. If you’re having any challenges opening or finding them, please reach out to the office and they’ll help you navigate the issue.

We hope to see all of you at the meeting, live and in person.  Once we are closer to the meeting date, a Constant Contact will be sent to the congregation with a Zoom link for those unable to attend in person.


Charlie Valan, President


  • Call To Order  (Charlie Valan)
  • Minutes Approval From 12/10/23 Mid-Year Meeting
  • D’Var Torah (Rabbi Wolkoff)
  • Rabbi’s Report (Rabbi Wolkoff)
  • Cantor’s Report (Cantor Rockman)
  • Executive Director’s Report (Lesley Lewkowicz)
  • Vice Presidents’ Reports:
  • USY Report (Sydney Sookerman)
  • Sisterhood Report (Meryl Heit)
  • Men’s Club Report (Steve Chernela)
  • Presentation of the Proposed Board Slate FY 2024-2025 (Kim Riemann)
  • Financial Secretary’s Report (Larry Cohen)
  • Treasurer’s Report (Andy Ross)
  • Presentation of the Budget FY 2024-25 (Gary Wesalo – Chair, Budget Committee)
  • New Business
  • Good and Welfare (Rabbi Wolkoff)
  • President’s Report  (Charlie Valan)
  • Adjournment

Slate of Board, including Officers (includes year term ends)

Executive Committee
Ruth Anne Koenick – Co-President (2026)
Marty Abschutz – Co-President (2026)
Scott Kessler – VP Administration (2026)
Steve Juro – VP Activities (2026)
Bobbi Binder – VP Membership (2026)
Amanda Uniman – VP Ways and Means (2026)
Gordon Heit – VP, Ritual (2025)
Melissa Kessler and Mike Atzbi – Co-VP School and Youth (2025)
Charlie Valan – Immediate Past President (2026)

Marc Binder, Treasurer (2026)
Barry Nathanson, Assistant Treasurer (2025)
Larry Cohen, Financial Secretary (2025)
Danny Greenberg, Recording Secretary (2026)

Cindy Gittleman (2025)
Diana Avena (2025)
Jessica Marcus (2026)
Barry Safeer (2025)
Jeff Schwartz (2025)
Gary Wesalo (2025)
Robbie Aufseeser (2026)
Kim Riemann (2025)
Doug Smoller (2025)
Suzanne Oliver (2026)
Andy Ross (2025)

Vice Presidents Reports



School & Youth
