Newsletters for Week of February 29, 2016

Dear Parents,

 We enjoyed a great “Read Across America” week at the Early Childhood Center!  A special library week and celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday were highlights.  Reading aloud to children is one of the best things we can do for their growing minds.  It is also a wonderful way for parents and caregivers to enjoy extra cuddling time with active children!  I hope that you all enjoy reading aloud to your children the books that they bring home from our library every few weeks.

Speaking of our library:  We are in need of parent volunteers from Mrs. Buckwald’s class and Mrs. Winter’s class, to learn how to staff the library.  Our library volunteers, Jen McCormick and Gauri Jain, will be “graduating” from our school at the end of the year, and they would like to start to work with volunteers from our younger classes who can help us to continue our school’s fantastic library program.  Please let me know if you are able to help out on library days (which are indicated on the school calendar), or just stop by on a library day to lend a hand.  We are so grateful to all our parents who contribute their time and help make our school such a rich and friendly learning environment!

Finally, at this season of colds and flus, I want to remind everyone of our illness policy.  If your child has a fever, or is vomiting or has loose stools, they may not attend school until they are symptom-free (without medicine) for 24 hours.  This policy is mandated by the State of New Jersey, and it helps to keep everyone in the school as healthy as possible by preventing the spread of contagious illnesses.  I thank you very much for your cooperation with this policy.

 Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


2’s Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We began our week with Amazing Athletes on Monday.  Coach Adam keeps us going the whole session!  This class is 30 minutes of activity in the gym.  Due to the length of the class we will not be making projects on Amazing Athlete days.  We also had a fire drill on Monday.  During a fire drill we each hold onto our own color on our “magic rope”.  It looks similar to this:

Magic Rope

We are getting ready for spring.  We’ll be making changes on our bulletin board outside of our classroom in the coming week.  We already finger painted purple birds and we made caterpillars. We read Purple Little Bird and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  We celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday on Wednesday by painting Dr. Seuss hats and reading Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You? We began painting butterflies today.  We will finish them on Monday.  We read Butterfly Butterfly A Book Of Color.

Thank you to the library moms who volunteer each week.

We would like to welcome Severa to our class!

Shabbat Shalom and have a great weekend!

Marlene Buckwald James Myricks

3’s Weekly Newsletter

What a busy week it has been for our class, as we said goodbye to February and hello to the month of March! We learned all about the March winds and everyone enjoyed creating their ferocious lions and gentle lambs for “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

We are all looking forward to running with a windsock or flying a kite on a beautiful breezy day.

Each child loved having their hands painted with colorful blue, red, and yellow paint, as they recited the poem “I Have Ten Little Fingers and They All Belong to Me!”

We introduced the children to the letter “P” this week as they painted lots of “pink piggies” for this letter of their alphabet book.

Our class enjoyed all the sports fun with Amazing Athletes on Monday, and they each selected a book from our Schoolwide Library to bring home on Wednesday.

Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss! Everyone loved listening to the hilarious Dr. Seus story, Fox in Socks.

This week the book Go Away Big Green Monster provided lots of opportunity for creative expression as the children began creating their very own big green monster.

Shabbat Shalom! Have a wonderful weekend!   

Stay warm! Spring is coming!

Mrs. Winter and Mrs. Mascarenhas

Pre-K Weekly Newsletter

Hopefully, this will be the last bout of snow before we welcome the beautiful weather of spring.  We have so many fun things planned for the spring and also many surprises.

We quickly and quietly learned the letter Q. The class learned to write it and worked on several words that started with Q. The class also learned that Q never leaves home without the letter U. We worked on Quietly Sleeping Quilts that will be shown at the Art Show and our beautiful Quaking ducks. We also played the Quiet game and ran quickly around the gym. We also ran quickly in Amazing Athletes learning football, baseball, and many other sports. We asked the children what they dream about when they sleep in their quilts:

Sai Vishnu: Friends

Anushree: Family

Ian: School

Aditi: Mom

Nikita: My Pretty Pony

RhIa: School

Yashvi: Animals and Dolls.

In honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday, we worked on rhyming and several projects to celebrate his birthday.  We read Put Me in the Zoo and The Cat in the Hat. The class made our own tiger and Thing 1 and Thing 2. We talked about the difference of the truth and a lie. Your children are amazing they said the best thing to do is to tell the truth. Then they chanted, “We all tell the truth”. The class also had library and we want to thank Nikita’s mom for being our mystery reader. We also want to give a big thank you to Ian’s mom for organizing the library for all the classes. If you would like to read to our class, we would love parent volunteers. The class had a special show and tell this week in honor of Dr. Seuss. Each child talked about their special book and during library center we read and discussed each book.

Important Dates

Monday, March 7th Yoga

Wednesday, March 9th: Library

Show and tell Letter “R”

Friday, March 4th Mitzvah Notes and Tzedekah

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Tilbor and Mrs. Parekh

Tuesday: Imagination Station – Mrs. Tilbor and Mrs. Winter

We talked about emotions and how we can tell how people are feeling from their face. We then painted the famous painting the “Scream” by Edvard Munch which shows the emotion of being scared. The children’s picture was used to re-create the painting.

Thursday: Storybook Network – Mrs. Tilbor and Mrs. Shemo

We read “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” in honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday. We recreated the fish using our hands after we read the book.

Motion and Potions: Mrs. Tilbor and Mrs. Shemo

We continued with Dr. Suess by playing obstacle games  and reading the book “Oh, The Places We Will Go”, by Dr. Seuss.