Newsletters for Week of February 15, 2016

Dear Parents,

It was an Eric Carle week at our school this past week!  Eric Carle was a wonderful author and illustrator, and many of his books are American classics.  In preparation for attending the play at the State Theater, the teachers read Eric Carle books and the children did beautiful projects based on those books, which reinforced basic learning skills such as sequencing and predictions.  They did more of this fun work in the days following our field trip.

And the field trip itself was marvelous!  The children were so excited and well-behaved on the school bus.  They oohed and aahed at the beautiful theater, and we had great seats right up near the stage.  The show was magical — puppets and blacklights and music all combined into a captivating production that had our children laughing and squealing and calling out answers as the books they had read were coming to life before their eyes.  I want to send out a huge thank you to our teachers, who worked had to keep the children safe at all times on our trip, and to Mrs. McCormick in the PreK class who helped us as well.

For our children in Mrs. Buckwald’s class, these field trips are something to look forward to!  We are trying to set up one more trip for the spring, which the little ones will be invited to join.

Registration materials for CAMP and SCHOOL NEXT YEAR are in your children’s backpacks today.  Please return them to us as soon as possible to reserve your child’s space and let me know if you have any questions.

Have a wonderful weekend,


2’s Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We are continuing to talk about farm animals.  This week we made cow puppets and pigs.  We read Everywhere A Moo Moo, Wake Up Big Barn, Big Tractor, and Farmyard Beat.  We are still singing “Old McDonald Had A Farm.”

If you would like to sign up to read to us in the library, please see the sign up sheet outside our classroom.  You are welcome to send a grandparent instead, if possible.

Next week we’ll be talking about healthy breakfasts and keeping our teeth healthy.

We enjoyed school-wide Shabbat with Cantor Rockman on Friday.

Shabbat Shalom and have a great weekend!

Marlene Buckwald & James Myricks

3’s Weekly Newsletter

As always, our class was very busy this week, learning, discovering, and creating!

In an effort to prevent the transmission of germs, we have been talking all about the importance of covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Everyone created an adorable face complete with yarn for hair and their very own painted handprints holding a tissue.

We have been talking about germs and how important hand washing is to good health and disease prevention. One way to decrease the spread of germs is proper hand washing before eating food, and after going to the bathroom.

We practiced the proper procedure for hand washing. Please talk to your child about proper hand washing and reinforce good hand washing techniques at home.

The children created an adorable soap dispenser with pretend bubbles washing the two hands as a reminder to always wash their hands with soap and water.

On Wednesday our class boarded a big yellow, schoolbus for our trip to the State Theater. We enjoying see a wonderful performance of The Very Hungry Caterpillar as well as other Eric Carle  favorites. The children loved every minute of this special morning!

On Friday Cantor Rockman helped us welcome Shabbat at our Schoolwide Shabbat Party.

Shabbat Shalom!   Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Winter & Mrs. Mascarenhas

Pre-K Weekly Newsletter

We hoped you enjoyed spending a long weekend with your family and celebrating our presidents during their special day.

Our class continued to learn all about Eric Carle and his books. We learned all about the stages of a caterpillar and made our own hungry caterpillar. The class also learned sequencing by working through the book and retelling everything the caterpillar ate. The children loved the theater and were very excited to ride the yellow bus. We sang songs like the Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and then we took requests.  The theater was so exciting for the class the shows were Little Cloud, The Mixed Up Chameleon, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The children were so excited to tell what the caterpillar ate next.

Then when we got back to school we read the Little Cloud.  The children all laid on the carpet and we pretended we were looking at the sky since there weren’t any real clouds that day. The children had to tell me what they saw in the clouds.

  • Yashvi:  Frog
  • Nikita: Diamond
  • Rhia: Mermaid
  • Aditi: Bird
  • Anushree: Fish
  • Sai Vishnu: Rectangle
  • Mrs. Parekh: Puppy
  • Mrs. Tilbor: Star

Then we did a science experiment where we used shaving cream and food coloring to show how clouds make rain. We also read the Mixed Up Chameleon and talked about what makes us Unique just like the Chameleon.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Tilbor and Mrs. Parekh

Tuesday: Imagination Station – Mrs. Tilbor and Mrs. Winter

We watched a video on Monet and looked at several of his paintings. We then created one of his famous paintings called called the Water Lily Pond. I used masking tape to get the bridge effect and the children used paint to color the grass and sky. Then they used their fingers to recreate the lily pads.

Thursday: Storybook Network – Mrs. Tilbor and Mrs. Shemo

We read “Where is My Cat” by Eric Carle and discussed our pets and the story. We then made a cat puppet to go along with the book. After the project dried, the children hid around the classroom and played where is my cat.

Motion and Potions: Mrs. Tilbor and Mrs. Shemo

This week was Eric Carle week so we read “Pancakes, Pancakes!” We then made our own chocolate chip pancakes, made a pancake crafts, and played pancake beanbag game.