Dear Friends,

As promised, here is the text of the convert’s prayer as they declare themselves to be a part of our people. May it be a source of inspiration to you.

“I hereby affirm…my commitment to the G-d of Israel, the torah of Israel, and the people of Israel.

I pray that my present conviction may guide me through life, that I may be worthy of the sacred tradition and community which I now join. As I am thankful for the privileges thus bestowed upon me, I pray that I always remain conscious of the obligations that are mine as a member of the House of Israel.

Today I hereby pledge myself to live the Jewish way of holiness, by accepting the mitzvot of Judaism now and always, here and wherever I may be. In preparation for this moment, I have sought both to infuse my life with Jewish values and to create a distinctively Jewish atmosphere in my home. Specifically, I declare that I have determined, to the best of my ability, to make the following Jewish observances an integral part of both my life and that of my family:

  • By giving [my] children a quality Jewish education
  • By making Shabbat and Jewish holidays important moments of holiness in my home and by opening my home to others so that I may become G-d’s partner in sharing the holiness of sacred time with those who are searching or in need.
  • By enhancing my observance of Shabbat and Jewish holidays by lighting candles, reciting Kiddush and Birkat Hamazon, and performing other rituals distinctive for each holy day;
  • By incorporating kashrut into my life and by sharing my bread with others who are hungry;
  • By affiliating with the Jewish people through a synagogue and attending religious services.
  • By remembering those who are ill and visiting them.
  • By participating in the life of the Jewish community through supporting religious and communal institutions in Israel and the Diaspora and by dedicating my life to making this world a better place in which to live, for all people.
  • By indentifying with the State of Israel, the Jewish homeland, the center of Jewish hopes and aspirations;
  • By engaging in Jewish study on a continuing basis.

I pray that in all these ways, I may continue to grow in the love of Judaism and find blessing because of my decision to become one with the Jewish people. By joining Judaism and the Jewish people, may I add my willing heart and hands to our eternal task of being G-d’s partners in seeking to perfect the world under G-d’s universal sovereignty.

Shma, Yisrael….