High Holy Day Prayer Lesson 5: Hayom

The prayer Hayom is a congregational favorite for a variety of reasons. First, it signals that we are coming to the close of long Rosh Hashanah services. Second, it almost always has a joyful, upbeat melody. Third, everyone wonders how in the world Cantor Rockman will fit the melody to the outrageous sixth line, which is twice as long as all the others.

By |2020-09-18T10:34:21-04:00Friday, September 18, 2020|Rabbi's Desk|Comments Off on High Holy Day Prayer Lesson 5: Hayom

High Holy Day Prayer Lesson 4: Avinu Malkeynu

With the exception of Kol Nidrei, there is probably no prayer recited on the High Holy Days more familiar than Avinu Malkeynu, “Our Father, our King.” Although the text varies in different machzorim, the prayer is a manifold series of requests, including requests for material benefits, as well as life, health and safety, in addition to forgiveness and compassion in the coming year.

By |2020-09-18T10:32:34-04:00Friday, September 18, 2020|Rabbi's Desk|Comments Off on High Holy Day Prayer Lesson 4: Avinu Malkeynu
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