Prayer Lesson 32 – B’rich Shmei-Bei Ana Rachetz
If you call to mind the dramatic conclusion to Raiders [...]
If you call to mind the dramatic conclusion to Raiders [...]
The moment we take the Torah from the ark is [...]
The opening prayer of the service for removing the Torah [...]
In Israel, there is a rainy season and a dry [...]
During his high holy day sermons, Rabbi Wolkoff will focus on four ways in which we are not "woke" and today's sermon focuses on we are not woke to the the realization that we are meant to be blessings.
During his high holy day sermons, Rabbi Wolkoff will focus on four ways in which we are not "woke" and today's sermon focuses on our need to become woke to the possibility that we are failing our community right now.
If a person has transgressed any one of the Torah [...]
Over the years, many have written new versions of the Al Chet prayer specific to the times. Below you will find links to some appropriate for us.
“He said the quiet part out loud.” That’s the in-vogue phrase to describe politicians who say something outrageous that everyone assumed they felt but was too extreme to admit.
During his high holy day sermons, Rabbi Wolkoff will focus on four ways in which we are not "woke" and today's sermon focuses on we are not woke to the need for real knowledge and its demands on us.