Spiritual Nugget – June 4 2021
No matter what book Rabbi Mikhal was reading, whether a [...]
No matter what book Rabbi Mikhal was reading, whether a [...]
Ashrei is an alphabetic acrostic, a fancy way of saying [...]
Ashrei is an alphabetic acrostic, a fancy way of saying [...]
A truly remarkable prayer in pesukei d’zimra is Ps. 136, [...]
Concerning the words of the prayer: “He who maketh peace [...]
After the morning blessings (Birkot Hashachar), we begin a series [...]
Rabbi Shemuel told this about Rabbi Rafael of Bershad: “When [...]
He also used to say: “The strength of him who [...]
As previously discussed, there is a different psalm recited every [...]
Birkot Hashachar reflects the process of awakening, both in terms [...]