Prayer Lesson 94 – Al Hanisim for Purim Der mentsh trakht un g-t lakht
The holiday of Purim is all about surprises, all about [...]
The holiday of Purim is all about surprises, all about [...]
When we do the blessing after meals (birkat hamazon) on [...]
This blessing begins in a most interesting fashion: “Let [...]
Another name for the Amidah is Shemoneh Esrei (= 18), a reference to the 18 [...]
Here’s a thought experiment. The 10th blessing of the Amidah is the blessing [...]
This blessing is the purest expression of the millennial yearning [...]
The 9th blessing of the weekday Amidah asks Hashem to bless the year, [...]
This is how Rabbi Levi Yitzhak expounded the verse in [...]
The blessing for healing (number 8) follows immediately after the [...]
In the weekday Amidah, there are 13 intermediate blessings. They [...]