Prayer lesson 112 – “Who places the stars in the dome of heaven”
Our Torah and our siddur try (one might say [...]
Our Torah and our siddur try (one might say [...]
The short paragraph read before the Barchu of Maariv is easy to underestimate. It [...]
When we are called to prayer with the Barchu, a small [...]
Just before we call to prayer in the evening service, [...]
Ad-n Olam has got to be the most underrated prayer in [...]
On Tisha B’av afternoon, we recite a prayer that is [...]
One of Judaism’s earliest and most provocative concepts of the [...]
“Rabbi, what was there before the Big Bang? My father [...]
With the exception of the Shma, there is probably no [...]
In “Silver Blaze,” a Sherlock Holmes story, the decisive clue [...]