Prayer Lesson 213: The Pure and The Impure
During Chanukah, we add the prayer “al hanisim” to [...]
During Chanukah, we add the prayer “al hanisim” to [...]
The first blessing before the morning Sh’ma references the creation of the [...]
As soon as we finish praying that G-d grant us [...]
The prayer we recite as we return the Torah to [...]
In the weekday Amidah, in the prayer for a good [...]
Brother David Stendl-Rast, a Benedictine monk, is one of the world’s [...]
For the uninitiated, our siddur sounds like this: “Blah blah [...]
I have often been approached by people who are unhappy [...]
Near the end of pesukei d’zimrah we recite the Song of the [...]
From the beginning of time, people have been lying about [...]