Cantor Rockman joined the professional staff of Congregation B’nai Tikvah in July 2001 as its full-time Cantor. He assumed the additional role of Director of Education in 2018, and served that role through June, 2024.
Cantor Rockman considers this appointment as a dream-come true. From his earliest years, he has always been involved in Judaic studies and synagogue life. In fact, the Cantor’s father, Royal Rockman, retired after serving as the Cantor for 36 years at Temple Ohev Shalom in Colonia, NJ. Cantor Rockman attended yeshiva as a young boy and the Jewish Theological Seminary program while in high school. During his college days at Rutgers University, he prepared students for their B’nai Mitzvot and continued to do so at Congregation B’nai Tikvah. He most recently held the position of Assistant Principal of Religious Education at Temple Beth El in Somerset, NJ. To further hone his Cantorial skills, The Cantor now studies with Chazzan Leon Lissek, a retired Cantor from B’nai Amoona, a large St. Louis congregation. Cantor Rockman lives with his wife Stacey, their daughter, Bashe, and son, Rafi, in North Brunswick.
Cantor’s Corner
The Writing in the Wall
I like to write about uplifting our souls, the power of prayer, the love of God, Israel and the Jewish people. My writing is often cathartic and helps me focus. [...]
Let’s Talk About Prayer
I often wonder what it is that makes prayer meaningful to us, to me and to you. I would like to explore this question with you on a daily basis [...]
What do you Want to Know?
One of the most difficult things to do is to admit that you do not know something. I believe that this is a true statement for all of us and [...]
Acts of Loving Kindness
This Mishnah implies also that when providing for the needy, when performing acts of loving-kindness, it is, as it were, as if one gave to G-d: taking from G-d's bounty [...]
The Children…it’s for the Children
"If you want to know who a person is, ask them what kind of music they like, because music is not about what you have, it's what you are longing [...]