UAL777new1-300x200As We prepare for our re-trip to Israel, I’m thankful that that Stacey, Bashe & Rafi will be traveling with me this year.  We plan to renew acquaintances and have many new discoveries.

We’ll be based in Tel Aviv for a week and Jerusalem for the second week.  Since we have not left yet, there is not much to tell, but I promise to share plenty.

Thanks to Kim Riemann, who is our web master, for setting up our web site. By blogging here, on, I can post photos and experiences while offering you an opportunity to comment, and I look forward to your reactions.

Thank you Kevin Krane for the lift to the airport, we really appreciate your kindness. Our plane leaves at around 11PM, hopefully we’ll sleep most of the 10 hour flight.

Talk to you soon!

Cantor Bruce