“A Beautiful Musical Journey”
The Claire and Irving Teicher
L’dor Vador Concert
“A Source of Pride and Enlightenment”
May 17, 2015 at 4PM
This year I’m scared that we will not attract a large audience for “L’dor Vador”. As we approach the concert I am usually nervous. Will the audience like the artist? Will the congregation respond to all of my not so subtle reminders to attend the concert? I sure hope so, I’m counting on you!
One of the challenges that I we always face with the selection of our L’dor Vador artists is that our audience is unfamiliar with the performers and to their music. This year, our ninth L’dor Vador, this is definitely true. Usually our artists are traditional, presenting songs that are somewhat familiar, songs that you may have heard at B’nai Tikvah, either by our band or during services. The “Pharaoh’s Daughter” concert will be different, it will be a beautiful musical journey.
I love the music of “Pharaoh’s Daughter”; the group represents the conflicts of our modern Jewish experience. The musicianship is excellent, unique and beautiful. Pharaoh’s Daughter is an exceptional and special group of accomplished musicians.
The band’s leader Basya Schechter was conflicted with her strictly Orthodox religious upbringing. Through her life’s path, Basya has integrated the many textures of Jewish music from her religious roots and from her personal journey, she blends the traditional Jewish music of our youth, combined with the stunning grace of the multi-cultural music traditions, her sound has been cultivated by her Hasidic music background and a series of trips to the Middle East, Africa, Israel, Egypt, Central Africa, Turkey, Kurdistan and Greece.
The name of the band is derived from Basya’s name, the Ashkenazi pronunciation of Batya, meaning daughter of G-d. It is also the rabbinical name given to the Egyptian Pharaoh’s daughter, who found the baby Moses in the Nile in the book of Exodus. The Yiddish version of this name is Bashe, I really like the name!
Many thanks to the Teicher and Roller families, together we conceived and have successfully created “L’dor Vador, a Source of Pride and Enlightenment”. “L’dor Vador, from Generation to Generation” brings the intensity of awesome Jewish programs to our doorstep; we build pride, understanding and unity in our community. Programs such as “L’dor Vador” are intended to help our community grow and for B’nai Tikvah to flourish. I pray that we all find a fulfilling Jewish experience in your synagogue. I hope that “L’dor Vador” inspires your love for your neighbor and reminds us to offer aid to those in need. “L’dor Vador” hopes to broaden our understanding of the American Jewish experience, while supporting our legacy in Israel. I want you to have an awesome time when you experience the music of “L’dor Vador”. And I pray that you will be able to love God with joy, and with all of your might.
We greatly appreciate your support, please order your tickets at www.bnaitikvah.org/concert or contact me or our office staff. Our special “family 4-pack” for only $36 is available only by check in advance of the concert; I look forward to seeing you at the concert on May 17th at 4PM.
With Joy,
Cantor Bruce Rockman