We are deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of Eva Kaminker Andres, beloved daughter of our former members and friends, Marcie and Marty Kaminker.

Marcie and Marty were long time, active members of CBT; all three of their children having become B’nai Mitzvah here, and one of the memorial boards in our sanctuary was donated by Marcie and Marty. Even after they moved away, the Kaminkers remained in close contact with many of their friends from B’nai Tikvah, who are devastated by the news of Eva’s passing.

The Andres/Kaminker family will hold a memorial service in Eva’s honor sometime in the next month, in Ashland, Oregon.

If anyone would like to reach out to the Kaminkers, please contact the B’nai Tikvah office and we will share their contact information with you.

May the One Who is in All Places bring comfort to Marcie and Marty Kaminker, to their sons, Jacob and David, and to Eva’s husband, Tim Andres, and the Kaminker/Andres Families.