Dear Friends,
The CBT COVID Task Force is trying to stay abreast of all the latest information about the pandemic. New information and new data comes in everyday, and so the scientific consensus remains dynamic. Recently, Middlesex County was designated as a “high COVID transmission area,” and the latest variant is extremely contagious.
With that in mind, and taking into account the opinions of our medical professionals, the CBT COVID Task Force mandates wearing high quality masks (KN-95/N-95) that cover nose and mouth in high transmission areas (including services, meetings, and classes). The use of such masks will help to protect you and to protect others. The congregation will have a supply of such masks, but our hope is that people will procure their own. For pre-teen children we strongly recommend continued mask wearing, particularly in Religious School.
These recommendations are shared by almost all local congregations.
We are well aware of “COVID-fatigue.” All of us want to be done with this pandemic. But the pandemic is very clearly not done with us. Our obligation is to do as much as possible to keep our congregational family safe, and it is in that spirit that these guidelines are offered.
Wishing you good health,
Gordon Heit, CBT COVID-19 Task Force Chair
Marty Abschutz, Immediate Past President
Charlie Valan, President