Andrew Goldberger
Renee Juro
Steve Juro

June 2022 report

Annual Gala (Saturday, June 25th @ 7:45 pm.)

We are in the home stretch of planning for this year’s Gala. After many committee meetings and preparations, we are ready for the big event. At this time, we have approximately 60 attendees who have paid and over 20 more that verbally stated they will signing up. Based on the current numbers, the event will be held in the Kiddush room and the adjoining patio. If numbers increase to over 100, we will consider moving into the Social Hall and Sukkah pad. Both outdoor locations will have tents if weather requires it. Sign ups and ad placements will end very soon.

Family Fun Congregational Picnic (Lag B’Omer)

This fun event took place on Sunday, May 22nd at Thompson Park in Monroe. Approximately 100 members and their families attended and enjoyed a wonderful day of food, games and a good time with their CBT friends. Thank you to all the volunteers who planned, shopped, set up and helped coordinate this successful event.

Worldwide Virtual Jewish Tour Series

The Virtual Tour series has ended. We had a good turnout for each of the stops on the tour which included South Africa, Venice, Prague and India. We will consider participating again in these types of events which were a collaboration of multiple synagogues from around the country.

Brick Campaign

All brick were ordered and have been received at the synagogue. The plan is to install them along with the rest of the walkway by the gym this week (Tuesday, June 14th thru Friday June 17th) and reveal it at both the Gala and Congregation Meeting. A total of 113 bricks were ordered with a net income of approximately $18,500 after the cost of the bricks and installation.

Mitzvah Day

Thank you to Laura Waksman for planning this important and fun day on Sunday, June 12 from 9:30am to12:30pm. It was a fun day of mitzvahs including sprucing up our Holocaust memorial garden, planting and decorating flower pots for JFS seniors, creating silverware wraps and packing snack bags for Elijah’s Promise, making no sew blankets for newborn babies of Interfaith Rise, writing cards to IDF soldiers and collecting all kinds of donations to various organizations.

Bike Ride

Bobbi Binder and Marty Abschutz led another CBT bike ride on May 15th…this time an enjoyable trail ride in Lawrenceville. Participants had a great time and we plan on continuing these fun rides every few months.

Events Coming Up

Jewish Hollywood – The last of the three-part virtual series, Spielberg! Is on June 23rd (past episodes were Hollywood Blacklist and Funny Girls). Cost is $10 per screen or $25 for all three.


This month three families left the congregation. A common feedback message was a loss of connection due to Covid. A Membership Appreciation Day was in the planning stages, but was postponed until fall due to conflicting events.