Dear Members,
The Congregation B’nai Tikvah COVID-19 Task Force met, virtually, Monday night, December 20, to review our protocols. As a result of the latest developments, the following policy will become effective immediately (December 21, 2021), and until superseded, applying to all Congregation B’nai Tikvah services and events, including religious school:
  • Masks must be worn by everyone in the building
  • Services and events will allow up to 50 people (maximum) to participate
  • Curtains between the sanctuary and the social hall will remain open for all services and events
  • No food will be served (Classical Caterers continues to fall under the state guidelines)
Vaccination Requirements:
  • Everyone age 12 and up must be fully vaccinated (i.e., per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definition); boosters are highly recommended
  • Children aged 5 through 11 must have had a minimum of a single vaccine dose
  • Children ineligible for vaccination must stay away for their safety and the safety of others
  • Effective January 13, 2022, children aged 5 through 11 must be fully vaccinated.
The CBT COVID-19 Task Force was united on a few key points on the changing nature of the variant spreading around the world:
Transmission Rate: Omicron has changed the picture for countless organizations and communities with a much more rapid transmission. Even though those vaccinated and boostered may have less severe symptoms, the transmission rate is extremely high even amongst those vaccinated and boostered.
The Variant Has Not Reached Its Peak: People of all ages are vulnerable to this new variant, and the public health data suggests that positive tests will only keep increasing in the coming weeks. With the variant on the upswing, any delay in implementing our new policy would put people’s lives and health at risk – a risk we’re not willing to take.
In the end, CBT must be guided by halakha (Jewish law’s) approach to public health, which is that “One who prevents medical professionals from providing healing is said to have shed blood” (Yoreh De’ah 336:1). We have an institutional responsibility to make it as safe as we can for all persons who enter our building for our services or events.
The Task Force will continue to meet, as necessary, in the best interests of you, our membership. Please contact our Rabbi Wolkoff, Cantor Rockman, Lesley Lewkowicz or Marty Abschutz with any questions.