Marty Abschutz

My wife, Marci and I have been members for about 30 years. Our daughters, Elyse and Caren, are 37 and 34, respectively; they became b’nai mitzvah here.  Marci and I have had several roles at CBT, over the years. Among these have been: Chair of the School Committee (her), Vice President for Administration (me), Co-Chair of the Rabbinical Feedback Committee (me), Chairs of the Annual Gala (us), Fundraising Vice President for Sisterhood (her) and Chair of the Budget & Finance Committee (me).

Outside of CBT, we have been active in several community activities. Between us, Marci and I served as members of the South Brunswick Board of Education for almost 23 years, combined, including five years as President. During my Board of Education tenure, I was one of three founding members and Vice President of the Education Foundation of South Brunswick Township, Inc. Currently, I serve as President. Marci served on the South Brunswick Municipal Alliance. In addition, I was a Member of and, subsequently, Chair of the South Brunswick Human Relations Commission. Professionally, I am a certified public accountant, recovering hundreds of thousands of dollars for hospitals in the New York metropolitan area.