What is Your Legacy?

As a member of Congregation B’nai Tikvah you support our temple in so many ways, but have you thought to include us in your will or estate plan? By leaving a legacy you can assure that the connection which you feel for the Jewish community and our congregation will exist for future generations.

If you are planning to make a legacy gift in the next year click here, fill out the form, and return it to Lesley at B’nai Tikvah.

If you have already made a legacy gift in your will or estate plan click here, fill out the form and return it to Lesley at B’nai Tikvah.

In doing so, you help B’nai Tikvah now as well as in the future by helping us earn incentive money today for meeting our goal.

For more information click here and a member of our team will meet with you.